Innovation - scientific and regulatory support
Supporting innovation is a key strategic goal of the Malta Medicines Authority.
In the life sciences, promising new trends are predicted to significantly change how medicinal products are designed, formulated and supplied. For future growth, strong links between academia, industry and regulators are critical to focus on effective research and development that translates into timely access to innovation for the benefit of patients.
In this context, MMA established the Research, Scientific Affairs and Innovation Unit to provide scientific and regulatory support to address the requirements for successful development of novel products as well as new methodologies and technologies through early dialogue with public and private innovators. The Malta Medicines Authority fosters particular interest in the fields of complex generics, cardiology, biosimilars, stem cells and pharmacogenetics.
Being part of the EU-Innovation Network (EU-IN), the MMA presents a discussion platform connecting national entities with European regulatory institutions, ensuring extensive expertise in the timely detection of emergent innovation and the corresponding regulatory needs. Through interaction with the Innovation Offices of other Member States and with the European Medicines Agency (EMA), challenges that the regulatory framework could present to the journey of innovative products and methodologies can be mitigated. The EU-IN contributes to consolidate a shared scientific-regulatory position and to identify training needs in support of the EU Network Training Centre (EU-NTC).
Pharmaceutical companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), academic institutions and research entities may contact to schedule an informal meeting.