Marketing authorisations are granted nationally by the Medicines Authority in accordance with the Medicines Act, 2003 and the Medicines (Marketing Authorisation) Regulations. There are two types of national procedures:
A duplicate application is defined (link to guidance document, CMDh - Recommendations on Multiple/duplicate applications in mutual recognition and decentralised procedures, can be found here) by reference to the first application or marketing authorisation as follows:
If a duplicate marketing authorisation (MA) is varied in a way that it deviates (apart from MAH or name of the medicinal product) from the ´original ´ MA it automatically will be outside the definition of a duplicate.
Module 1 may only differ from the ´original´ MA in certain aspects e.g. due to a different product name or MAH.
Modules 2-5 must be identical to the first marketing (‘original’) authorisation.
Submission of the duplicate application:
The national duplicate may only be submitted after closure of all variations of the ‘original’ application. An updated dossier/ASMF (including all post-authorisation activities) should be submitted to the MA.
Within the submission package, the applicant should submit a declaration in the cover letter confirming that an updated dossier/ASMF has been submitted. In the cover letter, the applicant should declare any changes or updates in documents of Module 1 (e.g. as per below):
The applicant is reminded to ensure that:
Updated on: 14/05/2018